Hathor mask

Hathor mask 

     Is a flat face cow ears, and be covered with wigs, or without a wig. And differs from the form of the goddess in the Adamic full head, and imaging features front and ears cow instead of the Adamic ear (taken from "Pat")
Mask Anhoruge the cow ears flat, covered with wigs. And differs from the form of the goddess in the Adamic full head

    It uses the term "mask Hathor" When I imagine the head goddess face flat (front), without highlighting the depth or rotation in the form of the skull, although preferred (Pinch) convention (the mask ever ears cow), because there are some deities other that have been associated with this symbol

  Front mask

     It is a masks ears cow Mtdabrin from the back (not the head), and this mask front of Hathor taken also symbol "Pat", based on the idea of ​​two-sided-known of the goddess "Pat", and who noon clearly Palette "Narmer", and make sure Nspthma them as we have seen

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