Cheaper animal

                  A very large type of cattle had been living in most of Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, and India before they become extinct in the first quarter of the seventeenth century in 1627, and the cheapest in the name is derived from the Latin name Arab translator for German "Oroks" (German: Auerochse in or Urochs), which means - is also believed error - Taurus as primitive and cheaper is also known as the bull wild or wild cattle. It is worth mentioning that the cheapest is the wild ancestor of domesticated cattle, from which descended all cows Allowed today.

It was cheaper than beef domesticated ones by far, has been believed that this species shoulder altitude up to about 200 cm for males and 180 cm for females. But now scientists have concluded on the basis of the length of the humerus that the height of these animals was between 160 and 180 cm in males and about 150 cm in females. Male coat color ranged between cheaper black and black to brown as the batsman had a narrow white line on the back, while females and calves was throwing brown to reddish, and believed that he was a male and female pale area surrounding Balkhtm. The centuries cheaper straight and directed forward, as was the arch slightly inward, and despite the fact that the form of the centuries of the most important characteristics of this species but there were some differences in the length of the centuries, thickness,a degree  and location for the front of the animal. Udder female cheapest small and barely visible, as udder female buffalo and wild bulls, on the contrary, from the current cows

The complex system of confirmed information relating to the classification of animals (ITIS) that the scientific name for the cheapest is not true, where making such on the basis that the same family of cows domesticated under the scientific name Bos taurus. However, in 2003, the World Council of terminology animal to maintain the use of 17 names scientifically different factions of the animals, which had been issued prior to or in conjunction with the issuance of scientific names of animals domesticated descendants of them, and so the Bos primigenius remains a name scientifically cheaper. And using scientists who assume that the animal domesticated cow breed name B. primigenius taurus, while using others who see the cow platoon independent scientific name for these animals B. taurus.

Scientific classification

Range: eukaryotes
Kingdom: Animals
Division: Chordata
Sect: Mammals
Rank: Artiodactyla
Family: bovids
Gender: Taurus
Type: cheaper
Scientific name:
Bos primigenius

Origin of species and evolution

For the cheapest skeleton in a museum in Denmark, note the different colors and circles that show the areas hit by the animal Bermah Stone Age hunters

The evolution of species

Supposed scientists at the Museum of Archaeology at the University of Oslo that cheaper originated and evolved in India since the nearly two million years and then emigrated to Central Asia and the Middle East and arrived in Europe South since about 250,000 in crossing south and then spread across Europe Central and down to Russia, and Some say that the cheapest in Spain appeared 700,000 years ago, one study has shown that the oldest found cheaper in Germany dates back to 275,000 years. The oldest fossil has been found that belonged to an animal *** "bull" (Latin: Bos) found in 1898, and believes that all bulls current descended from the animal named in Latin Bos acutifrons Lydekker, have lived this animal in India until the mid-era Pleistocene (Pleistocene). Since about two million or a million and a half million years totally split the cheapest for this species.
He was seen as the cheapest in the past that different species of cow domesticated, but recent studies have rejected this idea and became cheaper longer is the same platoon cow domesticated, but that all cattle breeds of domesticated today is smaller Qaeda than its predecessor wild, Flo's largest cattle of 1.5 meters (5 feet) while a cheaper altitude of about 1.75 meters (5.75 feet). As and had the cheapest several aspects rarely seen in cows domesticated, Vkaronh was straight heading towards the front and form an angle towards the top at the end, in addition to the line baht along the back and a difference between the color of the sexes Males were black and has a line lackluster along her back while females and calves were red. Scholars have described the Greeks and Romans cheaper as a very aggressive animal, African Kaljamos today, killing one of them was an act of great courage for ancient civilizations Khoudarat Mesopotamia, Greece and the country of Canaan and the Romans as well as the peoples of Gaul and Teutons.
Fee for the cheapest return for the year 1556

If the cheapest may be able to access one of the islands within the scope of his homeland, it is determined in view of the accessibility accessible from the mainland and the size of the island, and these animals were current as cows are able to swim, but not for long distances. Did not reach cheaper to Japan and the islands of Cyprus, Crete, and Malta in the Mediterranean, but Sicily were containing a crowd of them. After that vanished land bridge that connected the island, Italy reduced the size of the cheaper became smaller by about 20% of his relatives on the mainland.

Extinction of species

Was the home of the cheapest original extends from the British Isles and most of Europe, India and Central Asia, and the Arab region was cheaper to settle Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and mentioned him in the Torah that of animals wild that inhabited the land of Palestine and which analyzed the God caught and eaten and used the name wild bull in the Bible to describe cheaper, and continued existence of the cheapest in some Arab countries until the first millennium BC. AD. In Europe another Vnfq the cheaper by the year 1627.

* In Asia: The information about the cheapest in Asia are very rare, and believed that the population of these animals in Asia and Central and Eastern had been extinct since the Pleistocene. Allegedly scientist effects of Abno Jay and so wee they found a skeleton for the cheapest in China dates back to the era of the current era, however, this claim can not be delivery to his health because the body was found at the bottom of a river that could have Garfa from its primary, which may be due his history of the oldest of those identified by scientists much. However, it is almost confirmed that the Indian population of this species continues to exist beyond the Pleistocene era, because cattle  or Alderbana is rooted in that region. The history of one of the old photos of Brahman cattle, that civilization Ristimtha "Almohnju Darrow", to between 4000 and 2000 years BC. AD. In that period the people of India know the other strains of domesticated cattle and European breeds like.

* In the Middle East and North Africa: As in Asia, the information about the cheapest in all of the Middle East and North Africa is rare, but it's still available are greater than those for Asia. The last mention of the cheapest in Egypt book is by Pharaoh Ramses II who described a fishing trip to the latter between the years 1197 and 1165 BC. AD. However, it appears that this trip was in northern Iraq is likely, where many kings appeared in multiple drawings and they hunt huge cattle, and receive one of the sculptures by a fishing trip King Assyrian Snharib in the (704 - 681 BC.). In the north of the country between Mesopotamia. In Libya Male cheaper for the last time by the Greek historian Herodotus, when he said that there is a class of cattle in that country and that as much as it is to sponsor walk backwards because horns curling prevent it from going forward, but it is uncertain if he meant by this is cheaper or an African cattle breeds domesticated  the Allowareis. It can be said that the aurochs became extinct in the Middle East and North Africa during the first millennium BC. AD.

* In Europe: taking cheaper disappearing from Europe starting from the south and west of the continent and down to the north-east and end Bbulendh. In the countries of southern Europe, such as Spain, South and mid-Italy, the southern Balkans, the remains of bones and names of the drilling sites and different specifications did not indicate any cheaper continued period to be in those areas. In the United Kingdom, not found any bones dating back to the oldest period of 1300 years BC. AD. (Ie, during the early Bronze Age). One historian said that nearly a year 30 BC. AD. These animals were still living in the north of Italy, where he was arrested and is tamed, and knows about the Romans they Cano make great Mujahad in order to capture different wild animal species, including cheaper, and moved to Rome and other cities in the Roman Empire for use in Roller Amajaldh rinks, and this information assumes that the aurochs became extinct in Italy at the beginning of the century history. In Denmark disappeared cheaper in the beginning of the command from the islands of the state, and then extinct in the period where Christ was born almost, in the Netherlands there is no fossils dating back to the period of the latest of the old Roman period (after the year 400 BC. M.). In France, stated that Charlemagne baited in 802 AD Er_khasa centuries "giant", and is likely that the cheaper continued presence in France for a long time because many of the herds were moving there from Germany and Switzerland, where he stayed reports indicate the presence of the cheapest in the country in the year 1000 AD . According to Adam van Bremen world that cheaper continued presence in Sweden until the eleventh century, but it is uncertain whether this information is true or it is based on some general tales, and one of the other scientists say that extinct cheaper in Sweden long before that too, around the year 4500 BC. AD. And is one of the closest to the health reports and the effect that these animals had been extinct in that country by the year 1555. Cheaper disappeared from Russia by the second century the thirteenth or more likely, in Hungary the oldest bones date back to the twelfth century, but that some of the information likely extinction by the year 1250. In Germany, according to some reliable sources that the cheapest disappeared between 1406 and 1408

By the thirteenth century was the home of the cheapest restricted to Poland, Lithuania, Moldova and Transylvania and East Prussia, where he was the right hunting prey huge confined to families property only, but the decreasing population cheaper led to the cessation of these acts in order to preserve the animals remaining, so she royal families using guards forests to protect the rest of the cheaper herds of illegal hunting. In 1564 the guards counted only 38  according to property records indicate, 22 female, 6 imago animals, calves, 5, and 8 males seriously. In 1566 there were only 24 Er_khasa alive, and since 1602 until the 1620 and 1630 reports were guards only cheaper deal without other wildlife species, according to a report in 1620 that only 4 animals remained alive (3 males and one female), but that during that year, all males died and remained the only female. In 1627 the female died in Forest Jctoro in Poland, where the text of the report in 1630 that residents Jctoro village reported that Last cheaper died before three years, has been the Swedish army to take the skull to Stockholm during the Swedish invasion of Poland (1655 - 1660.


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