Orange bellied Flowerpecker

Found in Bangladesh, Brunei, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Natural habitats and subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests, mangrove forests tropical or sub-tropical and subtropical or tropical moist Montana forests

This species  has   a  extremely large range,  AND ALSO   thus  does not approach  your current  thresholds  with regard to  Vulnerable under  your current   amount  size criterion (Extent  regarding  Occurrence <20,000 km2 combined  having a  declining  as well as  fluctuating  amount  size, habitat extent/quality,  or perhaps  population size  AND ALSO   a great  small  amount   involving  locations  or perhaps  severe fragmentation).  the  population trend appears  to help   be  stable,  AS WELL AS   therefore   ones  species does not approach  your current  thresholds  regarding  Vulnerable under  the  population trend criterion (>30% decline  more than   8   many years   or even  three generations).  your own  population size  has  not been quantified, but  This really is  not believed  in order to  approach  your current  thresholds  pertaining to  Vulnerable under  ones  population size criterion (<10,000 mature  folks   with a  continuing decline  estimated   to   always be  >10%  inside   seven   several years   or maybe  three generations,  or maybe   with a  specified population structure).  regarding   these kinds of  reasons  your current  species  can be  evaluated  Equally  Least Concern.   

 Taxonomy: Certhia trigonostigma Scopoli, 1786, China [i.e. Malaysia] = Malacca, Peninsular Malaysia.
Tongue morphology similar to that of D. erythrothorax, D. pygmaeum, D. aeneum, D. sanguinolentum and D. cruentatum, although one specimen exhibits a unique variation. Geographical variation considerable, some of it well marked. Races fall into two groups, “dorsale group” in Philippines and “nominate group” in rest of range; former can be divided into four subgroups, namely “dorsale subgroup” (from Luzon to W Visayan Is, excluding islands in Sibuyan Sea), “sibuyanicum subgroup” (isl.. View all taxonomy...

Subspecies and Distribution:

    rubropygium Stuart Baker, 1921 - NE India (E Assam), Bangladesh (including Sundarbans), SW, SE & S Myanmar S to S peninsular Thailand.
    trigonostigma (Scopoli, 1786) - S peninsular Thailand (S from Trang) and Peninsular Malaysia, Anamba Is, Riau Archipelago, Lingga Archipelago, Sumatra and satellites (except Simeulue) and Karimata I (off SW Borneo).
    antioproctum Oberholser, 1912 - Simeulue I, off NW Sumatra.


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