Nile crocodile

Nile crocodile

Nile crocodile or indigo crocodile is an African crocodile and reptile is the second remaining in the world arrogance, after the saltwater crocodile. And Nile crocodile spreads widely in parts of the sub-Saharan Africa, where he resides in the central and eastern parts of the southern part of the continent in the most part, live in different types of freshwater aquatic environments such as lakes, rivers and marshes. In spite of the ability to live in salt water, but that this type rarely Atojd the where, but sometimes lives in muddy lakes and sedimentary deltas and sometimes in the sea near the beaches. In the past, the scope of the spread of this type from crocodiles extends northward along the Nile River, up to the Nile Delta. It was endemic groups of that kind in the prehistoric stretching away to reach Palestine. The average length of Nile crocodile lies between 4.1 meters (13 feet) to 5 meters (16 feet), and weighs about 410 kg (900 lbs) However, the largest samples found a length of 6.1 meters (20 feet) and weigh about 900 kg (2,000 lbs) is not rare. It covers body squamous crocodile skin thick heavily armored

Nile crocodile

Nile crocodile is Dhari of animal predators the Montanans Summit opportunities and is a very aggressive type of crocodiles sniper has the ability to almost any animal in their respective fields. It animal Mhai, feeds on a variety of prey diet consists mostly of different types of fish, reptiles, birds and mammals. It is also of predators stalking and can wait for hours, days and even weeks, waiting for the right moment to attack prey and drag it into the water. It is also designated a predator (able to think quickly and intelligently) and waiting for the opportunity to approaching prey to intervene in a range of attacking. Even cursory prey movement may not be safe from attack. It is just like any other other crocodiles, has AFCAC have a very strong bite 

Nile crocodile

unique among all animals and sharp conical teeth sink into the meat, making his grip on prey almost impossible to escape. And can be applied to the prey of such high levels of power for long periods of time, which is a big advantage being able to continue to catch Pferash the large underwater until the sink.
Nile crocodiles are very social crocodiles among them. They share in places Sun (Alastdfa) In a large food sources such as fish and flocks large animal carcasses. There is a strict hierarchy in the process of sharing food, to be determined by size. Males large, older and be at the top of this hierarchy and have priority in access to food and the best places to bask. The know alligators place in this hierarchy, and rarely rebel against it, but when they do, the results can be very bloody and sometimes even fatal. And like all other crocodiles, Nile crocodiles lays eggs for breeding, the female bodyguards. The female also hatching protection for a period of time, but hunts its food himself, not fed by the parents.
Nile crocodile is one of the most dangerous types of crocodiles and is responsible for hundreds of deaths of people every year. It is a common type of crocodile and is at risk of extinction

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